Social Media Marketing: The Risk of Being Too Chatty

The vast growth of the Social media marketing has made it difficult to be found in the ever-changing feeds.  With so many active participants, you may feel that you need to post more in order to be heard.  However, there is danger in posting too much.


Just because more people are signing into social media, and people are staying active for longer periods of time each day, doesn’t mean that they want to see more content from the same sources.  It’s not about quantity as much as it is about quality.  That doesn’t mean that you should cut your efforts down to the bare minimum.  It just means that you shouldn’t overwhelm your audience with content.

Your aim should be to entertain, inspire, and engage with the content that you post.  When you are saying too much, your audience is apt to tune you out.  Give them enough to make them want more, but not so much that they tire of your brand.

There is no distinct rule about how much content is too much content, so you will likely have to feel it out as you go.  While you may see a competing brand posting far more often than your brand is, that doesn’t mean that you have to scramble to keep up.  As long as you are getting your audience to interact with you, through the use of content, then you are doing exactly as you should be doing.

Rather than stressing about coming up with more material, focus on what you know best, and what your audience most wants to hear.  Trying to mimic the mouthy competitor will likely hurt your brand more than it will help it.

Rather than posting more content, if you want to get your voice out there more often, comment on the content of other Online marketing.  This is another excellent way to improve engagement and to build loyalty for your brand.